So your employer has sent you “into the wild” to complete Form I-9, huh?
You may have already tried, and failed, to find a Notary Public to fill out Form I-9 for you. You are facing a deadline… your employer has told you that you can’t start work until the form is completed.
Fortunately, you found us! We will show you how to complete Form I-9, quickly and legally, and provide everything you need to do it right. And if you want to completely eliminate the worries, we can even tell you exactly what to write in each field on the form or check to ensure that you did it right!
With our tested and approved process, you will:
- Complete the form at your convenience;
- Return a 100% complete and legal form to your new employer;
- Save money!
- No Notary Public Needed (But if your employer insists on using a Notary, we show you how to make it work!)
You have found the answer to your problem!
By following our detailed, step-by-step instructions, you can return an accurate and 100% legal Form I-9 to your new employer…
… in less than 30 minutes.
Your cost to solve this problem? Only $25
(Still not convinced? Check out the FAQ)
Not sure you want to “DIY”? Here are your options